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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Your Research Profile

Learn more about promoting your research online

What is ORCID?

An ORCID iD number is a unique, persistent identifier that distinguishes you from other researchers. The ORCID number is essential for author disambiguation. Having an ORCID means that if you change your name, or have the same name as another researcher, it will still be easy to tell who you are and which publications belong to you.

The ORCID profile is internationally recognized and is increasingly used in publishing and research evaluation. It is quick and free to sign up for an ORCID ID, just go to and register.

Once you have your ORCID number, you should make sure to use it:

  • Add it to your other research profiles (Scopus, Web of Science, Research Support System etc.)
  • Include it in your email signature, webpages, and business cards
  • Use it when publishing journal articles

Setting up your ORCID profile

When you log in to your ORCID account, you will be brought to your profile page. You can choose to make your profile public or private depending on your preference.

If you have a Research Support System profile that you have already added your publications to, you can update your works in ORCID automatically via the RSS.

You can also connect other research profiles and databases to your ORCID so that they can automatically update your ORCID profile:

  • Scopus
    • Go to Scopus and log in with your college username and password
    • Select Authors in the search menu
    • Type in your own name and search
    • Find your author profile in the search results and click on your name 
    • Select Connect to ORCID
  • Publons
    • On the ‘Permissions Settings’ page, click "Link your ORCID" and follow the steps to link your ORCID account
    • Once your ORCID profile is linked, go back to permissions settings page and select ‘Grant Publons permission to update your ORCID works’
    • Click on "Export Publications to ORCID now"
  • Europe PubMed Central

ORCID and the Research Support System

You can connect your ORCID ID to your RSS profile to make updating both profiles easier.

To connect your ORCID ID to your RSS profile:

  • To log in to the RSS, go to and enter your TCD username and password
  • Click on Your CV
  • On the right side of the page, click on the edit button () to add your ORCID number
  • Click the Register or Connect your ORCID iD link
  • Log in to your ORCID account and select Authorize
  • Back in the RSS, click Allow the RSS to update your ORCID Personal Data, and select Authorize again. 
  • Back in the RSS again, click on Allow the RSS to update your ORCID Research Activity Data and click Authorize again.
  • Now that your ORCID is connected, click on the ORCID Home link at the bottom of the page.
  • From here, you can send your RSS publications to your ORCID profile, or you can import your publications and other information from ORCID to the RSS.