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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Psychology resources

Your lecturers will supply you with your course reading list on Blackboard or elsewhere.  You can also check lists from MyReadingList@TCD.

For general reading, use Stella search to find books and articles as well as exploring your topic.  To find related or more focused material on a subject use the subject headings (hyperlinked) within each book record. Remember, Stella search is a keyword based search engine which means it will return results based on the keywords you supplied i.e., US or UK spellings.

See the full list of PRINT psychology books here

See the full list of psychology Ebooks (available on/off campus).

See the full list of psychology (UK copyright) Ebooks ( on library pcs only).

See here for a list of psychology PRINT journals.  These are either located on open shelves  in the basement of the Ussher library or in Storage/Stacks.  Request the latter using paper call slips available in the library.

See here for a list of Ejournals accessible on/off campus.  Use College ID to login when off-campus.

Browse and customise your favourite Ejournals further using Browzine.

See the list of psychology DVDs (including American Psychological Association series) here.

See video presentations included in Henry Stewart Talks database.  

See short head and neck videos which are included in the database Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy

See the list of  TCD print theses for psychology in the library (note: only higher degrees now accepted and available online). The School of Psychology may also have copies of dissertations/theses.

See the list of TCD online theses for psychology in TARA (Trinity's online repository).  For theses outside of Trinity College Dublin see the page Finding Theses

Quick link to freely available (open access)  theses from Irish universities and colleges via DART-Europe.  Refine further using your subject keywords. 

Ask us a question

Look up the FAQ knowledgebank for common queries about services or email the library at  Response time is within 24 hours but answered immediately where possible. 

Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
Geraldine Fitzgerald
Mornings: 2nd Floor, Ussher Library
Subjects: Education, Psychology