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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Finding Your Books in the Library

Shelfmarks are assigned to books to enable you to locate them on the Library shelves once you find them in Stella Search. You will see a white shelfmark label attached to the cover of each book, and each book has a unique address.

Psychology Books

Your course reading list may have moved online.  Check either at module level on Blackboard or at MyReadingList@TCD for updates.  All records are linked to the catalogue to give dynamic and live information on book availability.

Interested in how our books are organised?  See our Finding Books in the Library page which shows you how we use DEWEY classification to arrange our material into collections.

The psychology open shelf collection is located on the second floor of the Berkeley library at 150-159.  Print Reference items such as Mental Measurements Yearbook, Tests in Print and various dictionaries and encyclopedias are located at the start of the 150 sequence.

Stacks or Storage books can be found using Stella search (catalogue) and requested using the Click and Collect button at the record level.


Quick links:  

Psychology Print books (All)


Click here for a link to all ebooks in psychology which are available on or off  campus.  To access, simply login with your Colleg ID when prompted.

Click here for UK copyright ebooks in Psychology which must be consulted in on library pcs.   Unfortunately, the Library is not permitted to make these titles available remotely due to licensing restrictions.  If there is a title which you feel would be a valuable asset to the collection, please email me and I will investigate price and eligibility.

Print copies of the  7th edition are available in the library.

If you want to similar books on a topic, use an existing book record you found in the STELLA search catalogue, for example, using a keyword such as counselling.  Within the book record look for the Details section and  SUBJECT.  Click on a relevant hyperlink to find more targeted titles.  In this example, this will bring back all books on the topic regardless of spelling variations in the titles, in this case US and British.

This is a quick link to print dictionaries in Psychology.

This is a quick link to online dictionaries in Psychology.  These can be accessed remotely using your College ID.

This is a quick link to UK eLegal Deposit online dictionaries which must be viewed on Library pcs.

Handbooks are useful collections of papers, bound in volumes, in a particular field. 

This is a quick link to print handbook series in Psychology.  This is a quick link to online handbooks in Psychology which you can access remotely.

This is a quick link to UK eLegal Deposit or  online handbooks in Psychology which have to be viewed on Library pcs.


Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
Geraldine Fitzgerald
Mornings: 2nd Floor, Ussher Library
Subjects: Education, Psychology