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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Stella Search

Article searching on Google Scholar (LEAN library app.)

As well as STELLA search and databases you can also use LEAN library when searching for articles on Google/Google Scholar.  This browser add-on quickly finds articles from journals we purchase.  Take a look at our video for more details and download the extension from our Off-Campus page on the website. Get searching! (CAUTION:  Google Chrome is not recommended at present.  Instead download to Firefox.opening shot video demonstrating LEAN library extension

Open Publishing

In early 2021, the Irish Research eLibrary consortium (IReL) introduced a number of new transformative open access agreements.  This is a major development for the Irish research and publishing landscape and there has been an unprecedented uptake of open access publishing. To date IReL has enabled 20 such agreements across many disciplines, helping to ensure that Irish research is available to the broadest possible audience.

While some of these agreements allow unlimited OA publishing, several are based on a fixed number of OA articles per year, and in several cases our allocations for 2021 are due to run out before the end of the year.  Once this happens, these publishers will cease offering immediate OA on publication without charges. From January 2022, they will resume offering OA with a fresh 2022 allocation. 

The agreements which will run out before the end of the year are: 

There remain alternative ways for you to make your work open access:

  1. submitting to a disciplinary or institutional repository, such as TARA.
  2. If your publication was a result of funding, you may be able to use  part of that funding to pay an author processing charge.

If you would like further information please contact


For more details visit IReL open access agreements at



brainscan in colour

 ©Katie Nesling

Welcome to the Psychology page which aims to give an overview of library services and resources to support your research. Use the tabs on the left hand navigation menu to find more targeted information.

In need of GENERAL help?  Email or take a quick look at our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section on our main page for common questions.

In need of PSYCHOLOGY help? Email me directly (see right hand panel).  My work pattern is mornings and I can meet you online (ZOOM or MS TEAMS) or in person (currently Tuesday to Thursday inclusive, on campus) to provide assistance on discovering resources and services.


Looking for material not in the Library?  Email me or  Once confirmed it may be possible to purchase the material (subject to funds) or to acquire articles/chapters/books using our free inter-library loans service.

Having difficulty accessing some E-books outside the Library?  This often refers to ebooks received under UK copyright which can only be viewed in the Library. Most of our purchased ebooks can be accessed from home. See our Guides & Tutorials section for relevant videos.

Need training? Do you want to learn how to search the catalogue (STELLA search) effectively or get started on reference manager software Endnote? We have a number of short tutorials and recorded webinars freely available from our Guides & Tutorials section on the Support & Training page.  I can provide one to one, small group or class sessions when requested.

Literature Reviews

Whether you are being asked to review academic literature for an assignment, thesis or as a standalone "systematic review", you need to know where to find authoritative resources, what the process involves and where to get support.  A good starting point is your course handbook which outlines what type of review you are being asked to do and which referencing style to use.  In general, the APA style is used in Psychology. Be aware of the different types of reviews and whether you are being asked to adopt a systematic approach to your searching and methodology (systematized review) or to carry out a full systematic review as exemplified in Cochrane Reviews. Always check with your supervisor,  if in doubt.  Take a look at some useful tutorials and resources under the Useful Links tab.

A useful resource on research methods and the research process, including literature reviews, is SAGE Research Methods which is available from our Databases and Ebooks page.

General Library supports include training throughout the year, online and print resources on literature reviews and one to one or small group sessions with subject librarians. Useful webpages on conducting reviews include general Literature Reviews and Systematic Literature Reviews.  Please contact me for help using my email opposite.  You should also take a look at the Student Learning and Development website for complementary resources in this area (e.g. time management, academic writing etc.)

Quick link to ebooks on doing literature reviews (requires College ID to access off-campus).

Some of the information on other institution's pages may be useful but please note that their links to local resources will not apply. Equivalent links to our main catalogue STELLA search and our databases are available under SEARCH COLLECTIONS on the Library homepage.

Video on systematic searching (Part 1)  Part 2  (courtesy of Liz Dore, UL Library, 2019)

Video tutorial on Conducting a Systematic Review (Four part series) (courtesy Laurie Theeke)

Video tutorial on Building a Search in PUBMED (John Hopkins University and Medicine/Welsh Medical Library)

Screening Tool:  COVIDENCE (Select from Databases page on Library website

Covidence:  accelerate your Systematic Review (Video tutorial from Carrie Price, Welsh Medical Library)

Covidence (official supports page incl. videos etc. )

The main referencing style used in Psychology is the American Psychological Association style or APA for short.  This is a Harvard style system using author/date formatting.  It is often called a parenthetical style with citations placed with parentheses or brackets.  See our tutorial on referencing and plagiarism for more information.

If you decide to reference manually,   the main Publication manual of the APA is available in the Library.  There are print copies of  the most recent 7th edition in the Library.  There are particular websites which are useful for APA support:

APA tutorials and videos

Academic Writer Tutorial - basics of 7th edition APA style

University of South Caroline Aiken APA library support pages (7th ed)

Excelsior College APA support pages

Remember that in most databases you can use the cite feature within a record to copy the citation into your reference list.  However, you will still need to manually create the intext citation within your document. See a quick clip here on how this works (EBSCO) (min 1:12 -1:52)

You may decide to use a reference manager software to automatically reference your material. Examples include Zotero, Mendeley, Refworks and Endnote. The Library supports Endnote.  Please see our Endnote pages for download instructions and support information.

The Library tutorial on Endnote is available to view here

Additional links to proprietary guides from (Clarivate Analytics)

See these links to troubleshoot problems you may encounter using APA style in Endnote (courtesy of AUT university librarians).

Curtin Library Endnote pages are also very comprehensive.

EPPI Reviewer.  This can be used for all types of reviews. Please note that the library does not subscribe to this tool. 

Psychology material

This is a quick link to the psychology print book collection in the Library.  Not all books are on the open shelves and may need to be requested online from our Stacks or Storage facilities.

Note: Generally, when you search our catalogue (STELLA search) use the BOOKS AND MORE tab or Library Catalogue Only limiter on the results page to limit to items held in our collection.

This is a quick link to online or Ebooks on psychology.  You can access these using your College ID (username and password).  Please note your username is like your TCD email account name WITHOUT the @tcd suffix.

Ebooks are hosted on various platforms or interfaces.  Most providers allow you to view entire books on screen but only print/download a percentage.  This is usually one chapter or equivalent number of pages.  Access details are usually explained on the landing page of the book. Please refer to our Guides and Tutorials page for short demonstrations on how to find and use ebooks. Please note that "UKeLD" ebooks, which we receive under UK copyright, must be viewed in the Library only.

Any open access book (freely available on the Internet) can be used fully.

Although we don't have commercial tests in the Library,  you might find a useful instrument attached to a research paper in Psycinfo or other database.  These generally allow you to use/adapt for educational purposes. Take a look at my quick guide to finding tests and resources which evaluate them. Please note that the latter (Mental Measurements Yearbook and Tests in Print series are print volumes which are held in the library).  Always check with your supervisor for tests guidance.

Get online access to the American Psychological Association's Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association, 5th revised edition, is available in print format in the Library.

The official referencing manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.) is available in the Library on the second floor of the Berkeley at this shelfmark.

This resource covers the entire spectrum of psychology, including: notable people, theories and terms; landmark case studies and experiments; applications of psychology in advertising, medicine and sports; and career information.profile of woman's head partially composed of jigsaw pieces

Finding material in the Library

All of the Library's search tools are available under Search Collections on the homepage. This includes databases, search engines and catalogues.  

Use the library's main search tool, STELLA search (our catalogue), to explore a topic and to find books, journal articles and more. This catalogue facilitates online requesting of Stacks/Storage material which are not on the open shelves.  Take a look at our recent videos and tutorials on finding material in the library

STELLA results can be overwhelming so use the limiters on the left under REFINE BY on the results page.   Selecting LIBRARY CATALOGUE ONLY will only display items in our collection, both online and print. The BOOKS and MORE tab is another way to do this. Locations and shelfmarks will then help you locate material.

Please note open shelf collections consist mainly of course related material whilst a lot of books received under copyright from UK and Irish publishers are in Stacks/Storage. These can be requested using the CLICK and COLLECT (STORAGE) option within the catalogue record.

Ebooks which have been purchased can be accessed on/off-campus using your College ID (username and password).  However, Ebooks made available under UK copyright must be consulted on site on library pcs. The latter is indicated by the following message

Fulltext options for accessing journal articles or papers are evident at the record level in STELLA search. Click and follow links. Again, this requires your College ID.

Articles not displaying? If the article link is not apparent or the link is not working,  try searching using the journal title and browse options (online or print), taking note of availability for the year you require. Due to some online publisher embargoes (restricted access) for current year issues you should opt for other providers where possible.   Report broken links to 

Why not try the LEAN library app. to search for articles while using Google or Google Scholar?  This will redirect you to Trinity subscribed material and freely available items. Download the browser app. from our OFF-CAMPUS page. If you still can't locate an item, whether a book or article, email me for confirmation. If I am unavailable to reply, email

For more advanced journal article searching necessary for literature reviews, use recommended databases.  Always consider the interdisciplinarity of your subject and check other subject librarian pages.

Books not in our collection? If no shelfmark or location is evident within the catalogue record, it indicates that the item is not in our collection. You can source material through the inter-library loan service or visit a hosting library with an ALCID card  (note: undergraduates apply for a letter from the duty librarian).  Tip: check other library catalogues in advance of visiting. You can also recommend a title for purchase by emailing me.

Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
Geraldine Fitzgerald
Mornings: 2nd Floor, Ussher Library
Subjects: Education, Psychology

emotionally focused therapy johnsonThis newly acquired video streaming service from offers 50 titles selected by course directors in the School of Psychology.