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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Give a colleague editing and publishing rights to your list

  • Multiple users can edit, publish, and collaborate on the creation and management of a Reading List. Only one user will show up as the Owner of a list. We recommend that the Owner is a name that students will recognise and associate with that particular list or module.  
  1. Click on Edit on your resource list page.
  2. Select Invite List Publishers from the drop-down options.
  3. Enter your colleagues email address. If you are inviting multiple colleagues at once, separate their email addresses with commas.
  4. Click Send invites.
  5. To accept the invitation, your colleague will need to click on the link provided at the end of their email.
  6. When your colleague signs in to My Reading List@TCD, they will be able to view the list in their My Lists tab.
  • Please note: If your colleague has not been previously registered as a List Publisher on MyReadingList@TCD, this will only give them access to editing and publishing the specific list they are being invited to. If your colleague would like to be able to create and publish their own lists, please direct them to their Subject Librarian.