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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Collaborate: Build Information Literacy Skills with Student Created Lists

Having your students create their own lists, either individually or as part of a group, is a great way to build their information literacy and searching skills.

By granting your students ‘publisher’ access, and allowing them to populate their own lists, you can facilitate deeper engagement with sources and provide a unique opportunity for peer learning.

This activity will test their ability to engage with finding tools like the Library catalogue, and databases to locate books, journal articles, grey literature, blogs and video content relevant to their search topics.

At the end of this task, they will have a published reading list which can be used to formally or informally, assess their research skills.

Another option is to provide an incomplete list and ask your students to recommend additional relevant material. Alternatively, you can create a list containing only the title of the list and have students populate it themselves.

To find out more about this approach, see this example from The University of Liverpool. When they used MyReadingList in this way, lecturers found that the number of resources referenced by students doubled in comparison to when they did not use MyReadingList.

Setting Up Student Created Lists: A Guide for Academics

  1. First create an empty list ‘shell’. From the blue toolbar, select ‘MyLists’.
    On the right hand side of your screen you will see a ‘Create New List’ button.
    Name your list, add an optional description and select the Academic Year. Click ‘Create List’.

  1. You now need to invite each student to populate their list, by issuing them ‘List publisher’ invitations. Go to the Edit button. From the drop down list choose ‘invite list publishers’.
  2. Enter the students’ email addresses in the ‘To’ box. To invite more than one student, insert a comma between each email address
  3. Remember to tell your students to accept the invitation and advise them of their list name. The email may go direct to their Junk Folder so it is important to advise them to check there.
  4. As soon as the student accepts the invitation, they can begin editing and adding content to their list.
  5. To understand how to edit and add content to their lists, student should follow steps 5-6 of the ‘Using MyReadingList@TCD guide

Setting Up Your Reading List: A Guide for Students

  1. Locate an email from (check in case it went to your Junk folder)
  2. Open the invitation email and click on the embedded link. You will be prompted to login using your university credentials
  3. Upon successful log in, you will be directed to the MyReadingList platform.
  4. Select ‘Take me to MyProfile’
  5. Fill in your name and TCD student email address and capture your role eg ‘undergraduate’
  6. Select ‘My Profile is Private’.
  7. Select ‘Save Profile’ and ‘Accept’.
  8. You now have ‘List Publisher’ status.
  9. For future logins, bookmark and select ‘Login’
  10. Once logged in, you can edit the Reading List your lecturer has assigned to you.
  11. To understand how to edit and add content to their lists, student should follow steps 5-6 of the ‘Using MyReadingList@TCD guide