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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Trinity LibTech Research Showcase 2019

An archive of the research presented at the Trinity LibTech Research Showcase, held as part of the 2019 LIBER Conference

Dr. Joeran Beel - Mr DLib: Related-Article Recommendations for Digital Libraries As A Service

“Mr DLib” is a non-profit open-source project to provide recommendations-as-a-service for research articles, call for papers, and academic news. Mr DLib was originally developed as a Machine-readable Digital Library and is run by researchers from the Trinity College Dublin, and the University of Konstanz.

Mr DLib enables research libraries to easily integrate a recommender system into their platforms, and hence make information more accessible for everyone. It offers three services:

  1. Recommendations-as-a-service (RaaS) for operators of academic products
  2. Academic outreach for providers of academic content
  3. A real-world research environment for students and researcher

About the Speaker

Dr. Joeran Beel is Assistant Professor in Intelligent Systems at Trinity College Dublin, and member of the ADAPT Centre. His research focuses on machine learning, text mining, and natural language processing in areas including recommender systems, search engines, and plagiarism detection. Many of Joeran’s research and projects are conducted in the context of digital libraries.