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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Electronic Legal Deposit

Can I print electronic legal deposit content?

Yes, within copyright rules - in most cases, you can print a portion of any work we have received under UK electronic legal deposit. Printing services in the Library are provided by Datapac. There are multi-function devices (MFDs) in every Library building.

It is possible to print from any PC in the Library reading rooms to any of the Datapac MFDs across campus, as printing from these computers works on a 'follow-me' system. This means that after you have sent a job to be printed, it will print out on whatever Datapac MFD you choose to release the job.

However, the process for eLD is substantially different to the standard way of printing on campus and this eLD printing guide should be used.

Note that in order to be able to use this service you must first credit your print account. If you need assistance with the service, or are having an issue with your PIN, then please visit the TCD Print website.

Notice must be taken of copyright regulations in the Library when making any copies.

How much am I allowed to print from eLD material?

UK eLD material is protected by the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. You are legally responsible for any copies made. Under this legislation the following limits are applicable:

  • Up to 5% or one whole chapter (whichever is the greater) from a book, report, pamphlet, etc
  • Up to 5% or one whole article (whichever is the greater) from a single issue of a journal, magazine or newspaper
  • Up to 5% or one whole paper (whichever is the greater) from the proceeding of a conference
  • Up to 5% of an anthology of short stories or poems or one short story or one poem of not more than 10 pages (whichever is the greater)
  • Up to 5% or one single case (whichever is the greater) from a published report of judicial proceedings

Can I print multiple copies from an eLD publications/article?

You must only make a single copy, and this should not be further copied.

The copy can only be used for research or private study (neither of which may be for a commercial purpose), or for criticism, review and news reporting and the source of all copies must be acknowledged.