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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Customised resources for Education

APA style

Improve your writing style using the Academic Phrasebank from the University of Manchester.

Know about common mistakes when referencing.  Take a look at Trinity's resource pages on how to avoid plagiarism including the tutorial which is a pre-requisite for students.

The American Psychological Association (APA) style is based on the Harvard author/date system. When citing a work in a document the citation appears in brackets e.g. (Murphy, 2020) with the reference fully described in the alphabetical reference list at the end of the document.

The Schools of Education and Psychology use this style.  The 7th edition is the latest edition and print copies can be found in the Library.

Explore the Links tab on this page to access tutorials and resources on this style.

For other styles take a look at our generic pages. 

Quick guide to differences between 6th and 7th editions of APA on (commercial site).  Phd student Samuel Forlenza's  video comparison (approx. 12 mins.)

Purdue University (USA) Online Writing Lab (OWL) APA 7th support pages


Approx. 20 min. video explaining how to create a reference list using common format examples.  Courtesy APA Style Videos by Sam

Creating a reference list (common format tyes)

APA style is included in Endnote reference manager software.  The Library provides you with free access to the desktop and online versions of the programme.  See our Endnote pages on the library website for download options (Endnote desktop) and registration links for Endnote online as well as support materials (incl. videos).  Once you rgister on campus for the online version you can subsequently access it anywhere using or through Web of Science database login.  

Endnote (for mac and pc) can be synced with Endnote online so that you can work from anywhere.  The advantage is that you combine the fuller version of the program with cloud storage capabilities.  Some students (e.g. undergraduates and some graduates on one or two year programmes) find the online version is sufficient for their needs.  See here for a quick guide to using Endnote Online with APA style.

When deciding whether to opt for the software or to manually reference you should consider how confident you feel when using technology and also how much time you can spare to learn the program and deal with potential technical issues.  The library offers training and you can contact me for support.

Take a look at resource pages from librarians in AUT university on using Endnote and APA. Useful workarounds may help you troubleshoot formatting problems with particular reference types.

A short guide on using Endnote online with APA style is available below.

Subject Librarian

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Geraldine Fitzgerald
Mornings: 2nd Floor, Ussher Library
Subjects: Education, Psychology