The National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning offers a range of freely available, openly licensed resources on OER and OEP (open educational practice).
See also their webinar series:
#Openteach: Professional Development for Open Online Educators. #Openteach is a National Forum funded project that aims to generate new knowledge about effective online teaching practice and support online educators' professional learning. The project has produced several OER to support the enhancement of teaching and learning.
OpenGame Project Resources. Resources include Handbook of Successful Open Teaching Practices CC BY-NC-ND and Course Curriculum/Content CC BY-NC-SA; OpenGame is an Erasmus+ project aiming to produce an educational game promoting the use of OER and OEP.
EDTL Approach (Irish Universities Association). The EDTL Approach was the Enhancing Digital Teaching and Learning project’s response to the Covid-19 crisis, collaborating across seven universities to produce a set of open resources to support effective remote teaching.
An example of how a text in the Humanities, Thomas More's Utopia, can not only be made accessible to all but re-envisioned by allowing users to freely create their own visions of an alternative society, Wikitopia, using wikis. Multiple formats of the original text is offered to anyone interested in exploring it.
We have some home-grown examples of OER in Trinity. If you have any OER which you would like us to showcase please contact your Subject Librarian.
Research: (new course soon to be released!) Research Integrity and Impact in an Open Scholarship Era. Watch here for release updates. Documentation about the project can be viewed at our institutional repository, TARA.
Geology: Virtual Microscope: Irish University rocks collection (TCD in partnership with UCC, NUIG and UCD)
Education: Family literacy and Home Learning (language and creativity)
History of Art and Architecture: Gothic past - an open-access resource for the study of medieval Irish architecture and sculpture.
Avila, C. et al. (2020). Evaluation of a learning analytics tool for supporting teachers in the creation and evaluation of accessible and quality open educational resources. British Journal of Educational Technology, 51(4), 1019–1038.
Arday, J., Belluigi, D. Z., & Thomas, D. (2020). Attempting to break the chain: Reimaging inclusive pedagogy and decolonising the curriculum within the academy. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 53(3), 298-313.
Bali, M., Cronin, C., & Zamora, M. (n.d.). Equity Unbound. Retrieved March 18, 2021, from
BCCampus’ Editorial Team. (2020, October 30). $20 million in 2020. BCCampus.
Brunton, J. & Gaffney, M. (2021). Open Psych Blog.
Butcher, N. (2015). A basic guide to open educational resources. UNESCO and Commonwealth of Learning.
Colvard, N. B., Watson, E. C., & Park, H. (2018). The impact of open educational resources on various student success metrics. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 30(2), 262-276.
Costello, E. (2020). ‘Requires proofing by a native speaker’ – Colonization and scholarship. Insights, 33(1), 11.
Costello, E., Huijser, H., & Marshall, S. (2019). Education’s many “opens”. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 35(3).
Creative Commons. (2019). About CC licenses.
Farley, S. (2019). Decolonising and diversifying the curriculum with OER. Open Ed.: Open educational resources, The University of Edinburgh.
Fazackerley, A. (2021, January 29). ‘Price gouging from Covid’: student ebooks costing up to 500% more than in print. The Guardian.
Hilderley, S. (2013). Accessible publishing: Best practice guidelines for publishers.
Inamorato dos Santos, A., Punie, Y., & Castaño-Muñoz, J. (2016). Opening up education: A support framework for higher education institutions. JRC Science for Policy Report, EUR 27938.
Jhangiani, R., DeRosa, R., (n.d.) What is open pedagogy? In Mays, E. (Ed.), A guide to making open textbooks with students (pp. 7-20). Retrieved March 18, 2021, from
Koseoglu, S. (2017). Open pedagogy: A response to David Wiley In Bali, M. et al. (Eds.), Open at the margins: Critical perspectives on open education (pp. 67-69). Retrieved March 18, 2021, from
National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education. (2019). The National Forum Open Licensing Toolkit.
O’Dell, Eoin (2020) Coronavirus and copyright – or, the copyright concerns of the widespread move to online instruction by Dr Eoin O’Dell (School of Law, Trinity College Dublin) outlines key aspects of recent copyright legislation that relate specifically to online education.
The Cape Town Open Education Declaration. (2012). The Cape Town Open Education Declaration: unlocking the promise of open educational resources.
The World Bank (2020) Pivoting to Inclusion: Leveraging Lessons from the COVID-19 Crisis for Learners with Disabilities. Retrieved July 9th, 2021
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). (2019). Guidelines on the development of open educational resources policies.
Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges. (2021). What is the difference between public domain and open licence? OER 101 (Public).
Weller, M. (2014). The battle for open: How openness won and why it doesn't feel like victory. Ubiquity Press.
Wiley, D. (2017). OER-enabled pedagogy. Improving learning: eclectic, pragmatic, enthusiastic.
Yuan, M. & Recker, M. (2019). Does audience matter? Comparing teachers’ and non-teachers’ application and perception of quality rubrics for evaluating open educational resources. Educational Technology Research and Development, 67(1), 39–61.
The Impact of OER Initiatives on Faculty Selection of Classroom Materials
An in-depth study to address new questions about OER awareness and use. This report examines activities at the state and regional level in the U.S., with a focus on regional higher education compacts.
SPARC Open Education Research Studies Bibliography
A comprehensive summary of all known empirical research on the impacts of OER adoption.
Multi-institutional Study of the Impact of Open Textbooks
A study of 16,000 students across 10 institutions, compares several measures of student academic success between those using open textbooks and those using traditional textbooks.