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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Religion & Theology

FREE online resource: RelBib: University of Tübingen

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This is a BIBLIOGRAPHIC database. Check in Stella for the actual items retrieved, book titles or journal titles and articles.

Details of the main Databases for Religion

  • Academic Search Complete (EBSCO)
    • Subject Area: Multidisciplinary
    • Abstracting and Indexing database: 26,000+ publications; journals, books, conferences
    • Full Text: 8,500+ journals
  • ATLA Religion Database (EBSCO)
    • Subject Area: Religion & Philosophy
    • Bibliographic database: ATLA Religion: 1746+ journals indexed
    • Full Text: ATLASerials: 325+ full text journals in the database
    • Coverage: 1949- . Retrospective indexing for several journal issues back to 19th century.
    • EBSCOhost platform.
    • For help, see ATLA tutorials on YouTube
  • Empire Online (Adam Matthew Publications)
    • Subject Area: History; Religion
    • Indexes and Full Text
    • A collection of primary source documents, covering five centuries, from the explorations of Columbus to de-colonisation in the second half of the twentieth century and debates over American Imperialism. Material includes: Exploration journals and logs; Letter books and correspondence; Periodicals; Official Government Papers; Slave Papers; Traditional; folk tales; Maps.
    • Section IV (of V): Religion & Empire. Thematic Essays (relate directly to the source material in Empire Online)
  • Index Islamicus (Brill)
    • Subject Area: Religion & Philosophy
    • Bibliography of publications in European languages on all aspects of Islam and the Muslim world, on Brill Online platform
  • The index of Medieval art, (formerly the Index of Christian Art) (Princeton University)
    • Subject Area: Art, History
    • Indexing database
    • Indexes materials on Early Christian and Medieval Iconography. Originally, it was limited to cataloguing religious themes and subjects in early Christian art up to 700 C.E. Now, both religious and secular imagery, including Jewish and Islamic works, from the first centuries of the Common Era until the sixteenth century, are included. 17 different media are represented including manuscripts, metalwork, sculpture, painting, glass, etc. It can be searched by artist's name, title of work, medium, provenance and there are extensive bibliographic citations.
  • LION
    • Subject Area: English, American literature; literary sites; subscription to large collections, e.g. King James Bible (1611), and W.B. Yeats Collection (1885-1995).
    • Full text
    • Texts of 355,000+ literary works with a vast library of criticism and reference resources; updated about 9 times a year
  • Oxford Bibliographies Online (Oxford)
    • Bibliographic database. 3 of 5 subscription modules:
      • Biblical studies
      • Islamic studies
      • Jewish studies
  • ProQuest Social Science Premium Collection
    • Subject Area: Social Sciences and Philosophy
    • Abstracting, Indexing and some Full Text
    • Over 3,182 titles, covering international literature in social sciences, politics, public policy,sociology, social work, anthropology, criminology, linguistics, library science and education
  • RASCAL (Queen's University Belfast)
    • Subject Area: Research and Special Collections
    • RASCAL (Research And Special Collections Available Locally) allows you to search and browse information about the wide range of Humanities and Social Sciences' research and special collections held in libraries, museums and archives on the island of Ireland.
  • Religion and Philosophy Collection (EBSCO)
    • Subject Area: Religion & Philosophy
    • Bibliographic and some full text.
    • Full Text: 300+ full text journals in the database
    • Coverage: varies according to journal title. Retrospective indexing for several journals, with full text for more recent volumes.
    • Topics: world religions, major denominations, biblical studies, religious history, epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of language, moral philosophy and the history of philosophy
    • EBSCOhost platform.

Databases for Religion