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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Book ordering (Full reading list, or title by title)

As a lecturer, when you want books for a particular course, please send the details to me as soon as possible.

Students requesting purchases must have endorsement from their lecturer, via email to me.

For PRINT material it can take 6-8 weeks from order date to arrival (in the Library), especially for foreign language material.

Individual E-Book titles are purchased, if they are available, on the ProQuest Ebook Central platform. If an E-Book is purchased on this platform, it will be available immediately, both on and off campus.

E-Books, even when available, can be considerably more expensive than a print version. Therefore factors influencing the decision to purchase a print version or an electronic version on the PQ Ebook Central platform are: budget, student numbers, is the work a core or a support text, is there a stated preference for print or Electronic?

When sending me your order requests, please supply the following details:

1. Title, Author, Publisher, Date and ISBN (for a book). If you want a particular edition of a title (for example the 3rd edition of a work that has appeared in later editions), please highlight that. Otherwise, we purchase the latest edition

2. Number of students in the class - this affects the number of copies purchased.

3. Specify if you do NOT wish an E-Book to be purchased in preference to a print one. (Not all titles are available to us as E-Books, so the decision may not arise.)

Connect your reading list to your Blackboard module

Connect your Blackboard module’s reading list directly to the Library catalogue.

Simplify student access to their reading material.


A member of Staff must register as a List Publisher to create reading lists.

To register:

  1. Contact your Subject Librarian - contact details here:
  2. Ask to be registered to use the MyReadingList@TCD system.
  3. Supply your module code followed by the module name. Example: TR001234: Art and Humanities Studies.