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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Social Work & Social Policy

Explore the portal for all your Social Work and Social Policy needs! needs!

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Welcome to my Subject Page for Social Work & Social Policy. Here you will find resources and tips to help you become familiar with all that the Library has to offer. Click through the blue tabs to the left to learn more about the Library including:

  • How to find your books
  • How to cite your references
  • How EndNote can help you manage your references
  • Databases

Explore Stella Search, the Library's catalogue, to discover books, journals and journal articles.

Endnote, Word and Chicago 17

Do you need help adding references to your essay? This quick guide is designed to take you step by step through adding citations to your Word document from Endnote in the Chigago 17 Footnote style.

Summer Research Clinics are back!

 Library Summer Research Clinics

Have you ever thought there must be a better way to organise and manage your research? Perhaps you want to get to grips with tools that can assist you with keeping up to date with the literature or understand how to better execute a scoping or systematic review? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then the Library’s Summer research clinics could be just for you. 


From the 10th to the 14th of June, the Library will deliver a series of one to one, in person clinics for students and staff undertaking research.  We will have dedicated clinics on how to undertake a systematic review and use Endnote (to help you manage your references). Or you can sit down with a librarian from your faculty to discuss topics such as how best to refine your research question, academic integrity or go through your database search strategy.


Full details including how to reserve your place at: