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Catalyzing Undergraduate Research: "Beckett Beyond" Zine Exhibition

Students looking at the zines that are on display in the Orientation space

The “Beckett Beyond” exhibition of student zines, was launched this week in the Orientation Space of the Eavan Boland Library. Library visitors are invited to engage with the content of the zines: leaf through the pages, participate in experiments, and contact the zinesters to continue discussion.

The research zines have been produced by Junior Sophisters studying “Beckett Beyond”, a module offered by the Department of Drama (School of Creative Arts). The zines are outputs from a short research cycle on the life and dramatic work of Samuel Beckett, led by undergraduate learners, during which the students designed a project based on their personal and academic interests. Read more from some of the zinesters on our “Beckett Beyond 2025”  webpage. 

The students were invited to:

-              identify an area of investigation that would make a significant contribution to Beckett studies and potentially to another discipline, 

-              assemble a relevant corpus and other necessary research materials, 

-              identify the adequate methodologies, 

-              plan the research timeline, 

-              access research materials and conduct research independently, 

-              design a zine to disseminate their research creatively, for expert and non-expert readers alike, 

-              review and support their peers’ work in progress, 

-              present the research process and outcomes to the local Beckett research community.

The exhibition highlights this body of work, which is catalogued and preserved as part of the Library’s permanent collection, thus demonstrating the importance and strength of undergraduate research. It is our hope that the project will serve to stimulate positive interactions between the community and to develop emerging and long-standing interdisciplinary dynamics.

The eleven zines created in Michaelmas 2024 extend the “Beckett Beyond” collection – now counting thirty zines – with publications on Beckett’s collaborative methods, companionship and loneliness, the Irish language, Irish English and Irishness, imagination, not knowing and unknowing, fashion, politics, animality, posthumanism, as well as breath in connection to vaping. This cohort from Drama and Theatre Studies, as well as English Studies, thus investigated a broad range of topics that are central to Beckett’s oeuvre and Beckett studies, but they also explored how the artist’s creative work and methods can themselves operate as a lens to investigate complex issues tackled by the humanities. Each zine, in its own way, demonstrates the relevance of Beckett’s drama in contemporary contexts that Beckett himself could not have anticipated.

The exhibition will close at the end of term, but the zines will remain available for consultation upon request. We look forward to welcoming visitors, and we would deeply appreciate hearing from you via the survey accessible with the QR code located on the exhibition posters in the Library.   

The Library, the Department of Drama and the Trinity Centre for Beckett Studies offer their congratulations to the zinesters, and they extend their gratitude to all the visitors who will interact with the exhibition.

Photos from the launch can be viewed on the Library Instagram page - @tcdlibrary.

Caoimhe Ni Lochlainn
No Subjects

As part of a series of celebratory events marking the naming of the Eavan Boland Library, an ‘In Conversation’ with poets Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin, Katie Donovan and Victoria Kennefick will take place on Tuesday, 11th March 4.30pm-5.30pm in Regent House, Trinity College (right at Front Arch). Eavan Boland’s poetry invites us to see the world 'in a different light'. Throughout her career as a poet she has illuminated many aspects of life’s experiences, throwing light on ordinary lives we often don’t see in plain sight. The panellists will discuss her rich legacy as one of Ireland’s foremost contemporary poets. The event will be chaired by Dr Rosie Lavan, and is hosted by the Library of Trinity College in collaboration with the School of English. All are welcome, students, staff, alumni and the public. Please register through Eventbrite.

Photo Credit: Joe St Leger

Caoimhe Ni Lochlainn
No Subjects

The Library of Trinity College Dublin is renowned for its medieval collections, but a new exhibition opened this week showcasing new treasures acquired by the Library celebrating and reflecting on Ireland’s literary greats, past and present, as well as historical documents and contemporary works of art. 

On display is material from the Christy Nolan Archive alongside items related to acclaimed writers such as John Banville, Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin, Samuel Beckett, Jonathan Swift, and Bram Stoker.

Also included in the exhibition are modern works of art works inspired by Irish writers of the past reflecting on themes including homelessness, racism, disability, and direct provision. 

The exhibition highlights the important work cultural institutions such as the Library of Trinity College Dublin undertake “collecting the now” — acquiring and safeguarding contemporary cultural artifacts for future generations, explains Laura Shanahan, curator of the exhibition and Head of Research Collections, at Trinity Library.

Highlights include: 

  • Literary drafts, photographs and some personal effects of Christy Nolan including his pointer known as a ‘unicorn stick’.
  • Manuscript drafts of John Banville’s publication The Singularities.
  • A notecard written by Samuel Beckett while in hiding in Tunisia following the announcement of his being awarded Nobel Prize for literature.
  • Literary drafts for Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin’s poetry collection The Sun-fish.
  • Original artwork for Annie West’s book Yeats in Love.
  • A Modest Proposal by The Salvage Press – limited edition fine art book containing new interpretations of Jonathan Swift’s satirical essay with poems by Jessica Traynor and lithographs by David O'Kane.
  • Artist Elide Piras’s When You Are Old woodcut inspired by Yeat’s famous poem.

Laura Shanahan, curator of the exhibition and Head of Research Collections, commented: 

“It is so important to us, in the Library, to be able to share the collections in our care with the wider public, and to demonstrate our commitment to collecting printed works, art and archives that document the lived experiences of people today, in our society. It is also important to build upon the records of the past, and for us to integrate voices and experiences that may be historically underrepresented. This exhibition showcases that work and the community of artists, writers, academics, librarians and archivists who share the same mission.”

Entitled ‘Zealous mercurial dreams were about to be realised’, the exhibition draws inspiration from Christy Nolan’s autobiography Under the Eye of the Clock. His archive was donated to Trinity by his family. 

Christy Nolan’s sister Yvonne Nolan explained:

“I know that Trinity would have been the place that both Christy and my mother and father would most want the Archive to go to. The most important thing that any of us had contact with in our lives was that Christy was a daylight genius. And now it was my turn to mind the lamp and pass it on.

“When Trinity accepted the Archive, I was so, so delighted. I heaved a sigh of relief, knowing that – again – “if you can see it, you can be it” for other Irish or international people who are dealing with issues of disability; that his Archive would be here to be researched, that – long after publishers had stopped publishing Christy’s work – it would still be here and alive and living in a new place.”

The physical exhibition in the Long Room of the Old Library and forms part of the Book of Kells Experience. See here to book tickets for both exhibitions. The exhibition runs until May 20th, 2025.

Four online exhibitions will be published to complement the physical exhibition. The first,  focusing on the John Banville archive, goes live today on the Library’s online exhibition website. []. Further online exhibitions will focus on the Christy Nolan archive, the Samuel Beckett correspondence and The Salvage Press’s A Modest Proposal book. 

Speaking about his own Archive being housed in Trinity, John Banville has said: 

“It was Patricia Quinn who said to me, years ago, “You should keep your papers, and you should keep them in Trinity.”  A wonderful notion, by the way - 'my papers'! But Patricia was right, and I am thrilled and fiercely proud to know that they are here, in Dublin, and in Trinity College. I delight in the fact.”

A series of linked public events will be hosted by the Library in the coming months drawing on the archives featured in the exhibition, including a panel and competition on ‘Disability and Creativity’; a feature on ‘Prize winning writing – rejection and triumph’ in collaboration with the Dublin Literary Award, ‘Art and activism’ and ‘Collecting the now: John Banville’s archive’. The events schedule will be published on the Library website.

Laura Shanahan added: 

“This exhibition aims to start new conversations about collecting, about supporting that collecting practice, and enabling the cataloguing and digitisation activities necessary to make these records accessible to as many people as possible. Looking ahead, we will be seeking support for this work on the Christy Nolan archive and the growth of other literary archival collections. And looking back, we are recognising the foresight our various benefactors through the centuries had in building this great library.”

‘Zealous mercurial dreams were about to be realised’ was launched by author and columnist Fintan O’Toole in the Long Room, Old Library, Trinity College Dublin on Thursday, 30th of January, 2025 at 6pm. 

Collections featured in this exhibition form part of the Virtual Trinity Library programme, a digitisation initiative of the Library of Trinity College Dublin’s most valued collections.  See the Virtual Trinity Library website for more.

Photo Caption:

Head of Research Collections pictured holding “A Modest Proposal” by The Salvage Press. A 21st century response to Jonathan Swift’s original text.

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The Papers of Michael Davitt, MS 9320-9681.  

A project to catalogue, conserve and digitise the papers of Irish nationalist, social reformer, and champion of the Irish diaspora Michael Davitt (1846-1906) is currently underway as part of Virtual Trinity Library. Davitt was a convicted Fenian, Irish nationalist, Irish Parliamentary Party MP, investigative journalist, and agrarian campaigner, who is well known for being one of the founders of the Irish National Land League. This extensive collection was presented to the Library from 1978 to 1980 by Davitt’s son, Cahir Davitt, and includes over 6000 letters, 550 photographs, 60 diaries as well as newspaper cuttings, published pamphlets, and articles. This material details an important period in Irish history when the focus of Irish nationalism shifted from the revolutionary politics of the Fenian Brotherhood to the constitutional politics of the Irish Parliamentary Party in Westminster and the mass-agrarian movement of the Irish National Land League. Within the collection are diaries and notebooks with research for his books on prison life, his time in the USA, Australia and New Zealand and Russia.

The Davitt papers are one of the most heavily used historic collections in the Library of Trinity College Dublin. The Michael Davitt Papers Project aims to update the existing catalogue, to digitise and to publish the images online on Digital Collections, to increase the visibility and accessibility of this significant collection. An archivist, a conservator, and a digital photographer were appointed to the project between August and November 2024 and work has begun to make this collection of national importance more widely available. Keep an eye out for updates from this fascinating project!

Ciara Daly


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Caoimhe Ni Lochlainn
No Subjects

There was a special unveiling of new artwork by artist Nuala Clarke in the John Stearne Library in the Trinity Centre for Health Sciences, St James’s Hospital yesterday [Thursday, December 12th, 2024]

Gathered at the event, were Professor Colin Doherty, Director of the School of Medicine, Professor Jim Malone, Robert Boyle Professor (Emeritus), Librarian and College Archivist, Helen Shenton and Deputy Head of Readers’ Services (Reading Room Services & Space), Peter Dudley along with colleagues from Trinity disAbility Service, the School of Medicine and Library.


On the occasion of the unveiling, Peter Dudley said: 

“Today’s unveiling of this uniquely abstract artwork by Nuala Clarke gifted by the Robert Boyle Foundation will contribute to the Library’s ongoing development of learning environments designed for quiet study, rest and relaxation for our students. The paintings will add a reflective note to the Library space and sensory environment for our students as they work and study.”


The Robert Boyle Foundation named after the great 17th century Irish scientist commissioned Nuala Clarke to create these abstract paintings that draw on Boyle's texts. 

Nuala Clarke’s abstract paintings were inspired by Boyle’s book on the nature and interactions of colour.  They encourage her to “conduct her own promiscuous experiments within the realm of light, colour, reflection, and refraction − where colour and form are felt out and structure shifts until a rightness or truth is felt,” the artist explained.


Pictured in the image are:

Deputy Head of Readers’ Services (Reading Room Services & Space), Peter Dudley, Professor Jim Malone, Robert Boyle Professor (Emeritus), Artist Nuala Clarke &  Professor Colin Doherty, Director of the School of Medicine at the unveiling.

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No Subjects

Two sketchbooks belonging to the composer Ina Boyle (1889-1967) have been donated by Mary Kelly to the Library of Trinity College Dublin, where they will join the rest of the Ina Boyle manuscript collection as TCD MSS 11735/1-2.

On the occasion of the donation, Roy Stanley, Music Librarian at the Library of Trinity College said: “Ina Boyle composed a number of stage works, and some of the manuscripts include her drawings of costumes and stage designs. It is therefore very exciting that we are now able to add these sketchbooks to the collection, containing Boyle’s drawings of her surroundings at Bushey Park and portraits of musicians in her circle (including her teacher and mentor Ralph Vaughan Williams). Thanks to this generous donation by Mary Kelly, future scholars will now have a more complete picture of the range of Ina Boyle’s talents.”

Sometimes the survival of an archival treasure depends on pure happenstance. Over fifty years ago a young girl, Mary Kelly, accompanied her father to an auction at Bushey Park, Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow, where the owner, Ina Boyle, had recently died. “Miss Boyle” had been a familiar figure in the locality, driving to and from the village in her bottle green Morris Minor. Members of Mary Kelly’s family spoke of her as a talented composer who was frequently performed by the BBC but was not appreciated in her own country. 

In the house, Mary’s father noticed a heap of rubbish in a corner which was clearly on its way to the dump. He spotted drawing books in the pile and asked Mary to pick them up as they might contain some blank pages she could use for drawing. When they got home they discovered that the sketchbooks contained some of Miss Boyle’s drawings, so Mary refrained from using them and instead kept them safely as mementos. 

At around the same time Ina Boyle’s friend and fellow composer, Elizabeth Maconchy, was arranging for the donation of Ina’s music manuscripts to the Library of Trinity College Dublin, where they were soon organised and catalogued. The collection is substantial, containing a total of 140 works, including 66 songs, 37 choral pieces, an opera, 12 pieces for chamber ensemble, and 24 orchestral pieces (including three symphonies, three ballet scores, a violin concerto, and several pieces for cello and orchestra).

Despite Boyle’s constant efforts to promote her music, few of these works had been published or performed in the composer’s lifetime. In an effort to remedy this, in 1974 the Library published Ina Boyle: an appreciation with a select list of her music by Elizabeth Maconchy. However, for several decades the collection remained little noticed. This has changed in the last fifteen years or so, largely due to the efforts of Boyle’s biographer Ita Beausang and the work of the Ina Boyle Society Limited (IBSL), spearheaded by its indefatigable founder Katie Rowan.

This renewed interest has prompted the Library to digitise many of the manuscripts and make them available on its Digital Collections platform This gives musicologists and performers easy access to the manuscripts, allowing them to produce scholarly and practical performing editions. As a result there have been numerous public performances and recordings in recent years, as noted on the IBSL website

All of this activity has been a source of great pleasure to Mary Kelly who, in the years since her rescue of Ina Boyle’s sketchbooks, has herself become a noted composer. She decided that the time had come to give the sketchbooks a permanent home and, in consultation with the Ina Boyle Society, offered to donate them to the Library, where they will join the rest of the Ina Boyle manuscript collection. 

On Tuesday, 5th November last, Mary Kelly was joined by a group representing the Ina Boyle Society to make the formal presentation. 

On the occasion of the donation, Mary Kelly said: 

“I kept the drawing books all these years hoping that one day, they would find a proper home. When I graduated with a B. Mus. in 1978, my aunts urged me to do a Masters on Miss Boyle. Life got in the way and I regret not having taken their advice but am so glad that she is finally getting the recognition that my father and my aunts knew she deserved. I am delighted that the sketchbooks will finally be where they belong.”

Emma Coulthard, Chair of the Ina Boyle Society, said: “''On behalf of the Ina Boyle Society, I am really pleased that these sketchbooks, which give us an intimate portrait of Ina, are going to be part of the collection at Trinity College. The legacy of Ina continues to grow, and we hope to attract more interest in her life and work, given the important place she holds within Irish musical history. We would like Ina's contribution to be celebrated more widely and her works to be an inspiration to all who create or perform them.”


Pictured in the image above are Jane Maxwell, Mary Kelly (donor), Ita Beausang (Ina Boyle biographer), Roy Stanley.


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Caoimhe Ni Lochlainn
No Subjects

Irish Government announces €200,000 in funding towards the conservation of the Robert and Nelofer Pazira-Fisk Archive & Library

Trinity College Dublin has received €200,000 in funding from the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) to support the conservation of the personal archive of the renowned late journalist and Trinity graduate Robert Fisk and his wife, Nelofer Pazira-Fisk.  The Archive, spanning Robert Fisk’s 50-year journalistic career, was donated to the Library of Trinity College Dublin by Nelofer Pazira-Fisk. 

The Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Patrick O’Donovan T.D. announced the funding at Trinity’s Eavan Boland Library this week, with Nelofer Pazira-Fisk, Trinity Provost Dr Linda Doyle, and Librarian and College Archivist Helen Shenton in attendance. 

Robert Fisk received a PhD in political science from Trinity College Dublin in 1985 and maintained a life-long connection with the University. He was awarded an honorary doctorate in 2008. 

The Robert and Nelofer Pazira-Fisk Archive & Library encompasses material from Robert Fisk’s first posting in Belfast in 1972 for the London Times up until the posthumous publication of his final book, The Night of Power: Betrayal of the Middle East (2024). Notes from his interviews with Osama Bin Laden in the caves of Afghanistan are among the extensive range of notebooks, research notes, photographs, audio files of interviews, drafts for published works, and correspondence of letters and emails. The collection also includes artefacts such as explosives shells and salvaged items such as the strip of an oil painting taken from a church by Islamic State. 

The Library of Trinity College Dublin will make this Archive fully accessible as soon as possible for readers and researchers in-person and online. There is extensive work involved in cataloguing, conserving and preserving, and digitising an archive of such significance. 

In supporting these life-cycle costs, Government funding will now help to make this possible and has enabled this generous donation by Nelofer Pazira-Fisk to proceed. 

Nelofer Pazira-Fisk said: 

“I am grateful to people in Ireland for their moral stand against oppression and injustices – and to the Irish government for this kind financial support. Robert said we must bear witness and record what we see, so no one can say that they did not know. At a time when a dark curtain of censorship is extending across the Western democracies, when journalism is under attack, reporters face death and targeted assault, false labels and accusations undermine the work of anyone who dares speak out. The preservation and dissemination of information has become more pressing.  

“Robert and I often discussed our wish to pass on our archive so the future generations could make use of it with the hope that it will foster questioning and debate. And that knowledge of history enables humanity to say no to violence of all kinds. Robert had an affinity with Ireland and a great admiration for Trinity College as a place of knowledge. I am pleased that TCD has agreed to be the custodian of this collection.” 

Minister Patrick O’Donovan (pictured above on left with Nelofer, Librarian Helen Shenton and Provost Dr Linda Doyle) said:

 “This is an exciting day for Trinity, and I am thrilled to announce this funding which will enable the donation of this historic archive to proceed. 

“Robert Fisk was a celebrated journalist who spent over 45 years as a leading foreign correspondent for UK and Irish media, notably covering the Middle East from his base in Beirut. 

“His incredible career spanned numerous significant events, including conflicts in Iran, the Gulf, Lebanon, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Gaza, as well as the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the Arab Spring in 2011. Fisk also received numerous accolades for his work, including the British Press Awards’ International Journalist of the Year seven times and the ‘Reporter of the Year’ award twice. 

“The funding announced today will provide Trinity with the necessary resources to undertake an essential two-year conservation project. The availability of these materials will undoubtedly enrich the academic experiences of students and researchers alike.”  

Provost Dr Linda Doyle said:  “We are honoured that Nelofer Pazira-Fisk has donated this Archive to Trinity. It will advance teaching and research into the conflicts covered by Robert Fisk over so many years and will act as a vital resource for researchers, policy makers and the public. Today’s announcement will contribute to the Archive’s conservation and accessibility for the future.” 

Librarian and College archivist, Helen Shenton said: “Robert Fisk was unfaltering in his commitment to frontline journalism and being a witness to history, with one-on-one access to sources – many of whom are no longer alive today. The exceptional Archive includes ‘born digital’ content, containing email correspondence, representing a new archival area of the 21st century. The Library of Trinity College will ensure the physical and digital preservation of this Archive and make it accessible in the near future and for posterity. It will be available through our Research Collections Study Centre and online through our Virtual Trinity Library programme.” 



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Rachel Mathews-McKay
No Subjects

The Library is delighted to announce that the Brendan Kennelly Literary Archive is now available to researchers in the Research Collections Reading Room. The archive was catalogued as part of Virtual Trinity Library, the Library’s ambitious project that seeks to enable online access to many of our most prized research collections across nine representative categories. The Brendan Kennelly project represents the themes of Ireland's Literary Heritage: Literary Archives and Trinity's Scholarly Contribution to the World: Trinity Icons. 

Brendan Kennelly was born in Ballylongford, County Kerry, on the 17th April 1936. He Professor of Modern Literature at Trinity and was elected Professor Emeritus after his retirement in 2005. His archival material arrived in the Library in several different tranches, from varied provenances including Brendan Kennelly’s rooms in the University, from his house in Ballylongford, and from the Kennelly family. It was accessioned over a decade; the first tranche came in around 2008-2009. A large tranche of material came in 2018 - 2022 from his family. Material was also accessioned from the English Department in 2021- 2023. 

The collection is comprised of 229 banker boxes of material which include drafts of Kennelly’s published works; drafts of unpublished works; plays; novels; drafts of reviews, articles, speeches, essays, appreciations and tributes for colleagues and other Irish literary and cultural figures as well as material relating to his academic career and life as a public figure. It also includes lecture notes and materials relating to his time teaching in Trinity and elsewhere, correspondence with family, colleagues, and the general public, as well as with Irish writers, editors and publishers. Other material includes posters and programmes, photographs, and a small amount of audio material.

The part of the collection which is now catalogued and available for consultation is the literature section. This section comprises four series. The first series contains his published poetry collections organised in publication order, and his unpublished poetry collections such as ‘A Girl’ and ‘Virginity’. The unpublished poetry is organised to ensure usability of the material and the first line is used where no title is present.

The second series is comprised of Kennelly’s published plays and some unpublished dramatic adaptions, while the third series contains drafts of his novels and short stories. The fourth series contains drafts and copies of other work and material relating to his work editing and compiling anthologies.

The literature section amounts to fifty-eight banker boxes in total and has been prioritised for release based on several factors including size, interest for the researcher, recommendations from the English Department in Trinity College Dublin, ease of release and GDPR concerns (or lack thereof). 

You can view the finding aid for the collection here.

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Rachel Mathews-McKay
No Subjects

The second meeting of the new Student Climate and Nature Book Club will take place on Wednesday 13th November (12:00-14:00) in the North Training Room of the Eavan Boland Library. The November pick is a work of fiction -  Richard Power's Pulitzer Prize-winning The Overstory.  

It’s hard to capture this book in just a few lines – at its heart, it’s about trees, tree-time, and human relationships with trees and one another, told through an epic story of nine characters who become entangled with one another and with trees in various ways. You’ll never look at a tree the same way again.

There are eight copies of this book in the Library and it is widely available in paperback (it's €10 in Easons and Kenny's, for example - and you might find it second hand!). 

The Library of Trinity College Dublin: Stella Search -- The overstory / Richard Powers. (

You might also find it in your local public library (it’s available on the BorrowBox app), and if you have a Spotify subscription, it’s available as an audiobook.

The Climate and Nature Book Club is a collaboration between the Library and Clare Kelly (School of Psychology) and is open to all students (undergraduate and postgraduate). It’s not a class! If you’re interested in joining the discussion, read what you can of the book, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t get very far or if you don’t like it! Read it before? Join us for the discussion!

We look forward to seeing you on the 13th November – please share this information with friends who might be interested in joining.

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Peter Dudley
No Subjects

There are over 3,100 study spaces across the Library's physical estate. These study spaces are generally available on a 'first come, first served' basis, but during periods of peak demand (particularly in the run up to exams) they can come under intense pressure. To address this issue, and to ensure that all readers have a reasonable opportunity to find a suitable study space, the Library will be launching a Study Space Campaign on Wednesday 30 October that will run through to the main exam period in December. 

The study space campaign is based on the following seating policy:

Readers are not permitted to reserve study spaces by leaving their belongings or books on seats and desks. Library staff may remove belongings or books left unattended for more than 60 minutes at any study space, except for officially reserved carrels.

To enforce this policy, a dedicated steward team will patrol Library reading rooms from the 30 October onwards to free up study spaces that have been unoccupied for more than 60 minutes. The team will operate using the following procedure:

  • Leaflets will be left at study spaces observed to be unattended. The leaflets will indicate the time at which the study space was observed to be unoccupied and the time at which it will be cleared should the reader fail to return within the allotted 60-minute period.
  • Any books and belongings left at the study space will be cleared to a box and moved to a designated storage area on the same floor. This includes laptops and other portable devices, so readers are strongly advised to back-up all work regularly.
  • The information on each leaflet will also be recorded on separate clipboard sheets to ensure transparency.

The Library Study Space Campaign relies on the cooperation of all readers. We ask that you support the study space team to ensure a level playing field for those who come to the Library to study and prepare for exams. You can assist us by not leaving laptops, phones, USB drives or any other valuables unattended for any length of time and by sticking to the 60-minute rule.

The Library shall not be held responsible for damaged or stolen belongings.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at:

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No Subjects

The rise and fall of Oscar Wilde is the focus of an exhibition in Trinity’s Old Library, being held to mark 170 years since the acclaimed playwright was born on 16 October, 1854.

Entitled Oscar Wilde: From Decadence to Despair the exhibition, and an accompanying online exhibition curated by the Library of Trinity College Dublin, maps out Wilde’s meteoric rise to fame and also his dramatic fall from grace.

Poet, playwright, novelist, essayist, short-story writer and master of the one-liner, Oscar Wilde is considered one of the major writers of the late nineteenth century and is among one of Trinity’s most celebrated students. Beside his literary accomplishments, Wilde was known for his wit, flamboyant dress and conversation, and is now considered one of the first 'marketed celebrities'.

The 22 exhibits on display in the Long Room include personal photographs, memorabilia, letters, trade cards and theatre programmes which focus on the themes of Wilde’s formative years, Wilde’s years living in Continental Europe, his glittering social circle and his final years in exile. 

This material and 100 other items are also available for the public to view as a digital collection, the Oscar Wilde Collection, as part of the Virtual Trinity Library.

Highlights of the exhibition include:

  • A set of beautifully illustrated commercial trade cards inspired by Wilde’s famous “aesthetic tour” of America in 1882. Wilde was a master of self-promotion, and his face was used more than any other celebrity in 1882 to promote a wide variety of products from cigars to kitchen stoves, even extending to bosom beautifiers and complexion enhancers
  • A letter to his classics professor in Trinity, Sir John Pentland Mahaffy (former Provost of Trinity) complimenting him as “my first and best teacher” and “the scholar who showed me how to love Greek things”.
  • There is also a remarkable ink caricature of Wilde being rebuked for a midnight aesthetic meeting in the Suggestion Book of the Philosophical Society.
  • Wilde's silver calling card case, a supposed gift from his friend Ada Leverson presented to him on his release from Reading Gaol, inscribed “For Sebastian Melmoth from Sphinx”.
  • A receipt for the sum of £25 received from his friend More Adey. With the money his friends purchased clothes, soap, scent and hair-dye so he could feel “physically cleaned of the stain and soil of prison life”.
  • A moving letter from Wilde to his friend, the writer Eliza Stannard, written shortly after his release from Reading Gaol in May 1897. Writing from a hotel in Normandy, Wilde remarks, “of course I have passed through a very terrible punishment and have suffered to the pitch of anguish and despair” and refers to himself as “an unworthy son”. 

The exhibition forms part of the  Book of Kells Experience and runs until January 29, 2025. See here to book tickets for both exhibitions. 

Curator of the exhibition and Assistant Librarian at the Library of Trinity College Dublin Caoimhe Ní Ghormáin said: "Oscar Wilde remains an immensely popular and intriguing character today. Through this exhibition we aim to celebrate Wilde as a Dubliner and also as one of Trinity College Dublin's most famous alumni by exploring the unique items on display in the Long Room from the Library's Oscar Wilde collection."

Laura Shanahan, Head of Research Collections, the Library of Trinity College Dublin, added:  

“The Oscar Wilde Collection held at the Library of Trinity College Dublin comprises items of great significance, including manuscript and print materials; letters, photographs and some unique items of memorabilia among others. It is the only Oscar Wilde archive held in a public institution in Ireland.  Researchers including Wilde biographers have made extensive use of the archive over the years. We are delighted to share the collection with new audiences in this Long Room exhibition and online exhibition.”

The exhibition is a rerun of a similar exhibition held in 2017 and complements an exhibition currently being held in Magdalen College, University of Oxford, to mark 150 years since Wilde matriculated from the College. Three items from Trinity’s Oscar Wilde collection have been loaned to Oxford for this exhibition — a sales catalogue of Wilde's books and household goods; a letter from Wilde to his son Cyril; and the calling card of ‘Sebastian Melmoth’.

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